PASSENGER on the 57 tram route had to find another way to get to work again when a truck hit the Flemington Bridge on Racecourse Rd.
Buses were called in as replacement services after the VISY truck his the bridge near Moonee Ponds Creek about 9am.
It comes just four days after a truck his the Newmarket Bridge further up the road. The two bridges, which have 3.7m clearances, have become regularly hit in the past 12 months.
VicTraffic said drivers should take Dynon Rd to get into the city.
Meanwhile Yarra Trams said commuters along route 57 should consider taking the Upfield line from Flemington Bridge station or the Craigieburn line from Newmarket station.
They could not say when they expected the tram lines to be fixed.
In six months last year, Yarra Trams recorded 12 major incidents at the bridges which are just 800m apart.
The Racecourse Rd bridges are among the most commonly struck in Melbourne, along with structures on Montague St, South Melbourne, and Napier St, Footscray.
Truck Hits the Flemington Bridge on Racecourse Rd Again Causing Major Damage and Delays
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